The 28th Annual Community Trash Off for Orange, Texas and surrounding communities will take place Saturday, February 25, 2023, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the City of Orange Riverside Pavilion, located at 709 Simmons Drive in Orange, Texas. ***This is a new location, we will NOT be at the boat ramp this year***. The Community Trash Off is organized by the staff of Shangri La Botanical Gardens and Nature Center and conducted by volunteers from Orange, West Orange, Pinehurst and other surrounding communities. The rain date for this event is March 4, 2023.
Any individual, group, or business interested in registering a team should complete this form. Every individual who is participating MUST sign a waiver. If the Participant is a minor, a parent, guardian, or adult responsible for a minor Participant (“Representative Adult”) must sign a waiver for them. Volunteers of all ages are encouraged, but please note that groups must have a minimum ratio of 1 adult to 4 children (ages 18 and younger). If you have any questions, please contact Melinda Jackson at 409-670-9113.
Teams have the option to choose their clean-up location. If teams do not have a preferred area, one will be assigned based on need. Locations will be designated on a first-come, first-served basis. Please consider alternate locations, should your first choice already be taken. Teams are encouraged to register early. Teams are asked to please focus clean-up efforts in Orange, West Orange, or Pinehurst.
Again, this year, we ask that if participants are able to transport their own collected litter to the dumpster at the City of Orange Riverside Pavilion, that they do so. Litter pick-up will be available to those who need assistance.